Yellowstone National Park


Yellowstone national park was the first National Park founded on March 1, 1872. Yellowstone for the most part is located inWyoming, but it is large enough that it spreads to parts of Idaho and Montana. Even though Yellowstone is large it is only the 8th largest National Park.

What It Has To Offer

The thermal basins in Yellowstone are one of the main attractions at the park. There are more than 10,000 thermal features located in Yellowstone.

Grand Prismatic Spring Is Wyoming's Most Beautiful Natural Wonder

Grand Prismatic Spring (shown above), Norris Geyser Basin, Mammoth Host Springs, Fountain Paint Pot, and West Thumb Geyser Basin are some of the most popular thermal features.

Obviously Yellowstone has crazy good, but One of the best things that you can do here is observe the wild life. The Park is home to thousands of wildlife like bears, wolves, bison, and elk.

URGENT: 1,100 Bison To Be Gunned Down in Yellowstone This Winter

The animals are wild so they can be quite dangerous if you don't follow the rules, but if you don't want to worry about them while you visit you can stay at one of the lodges they offer. 

There are nine scattered around the park and are a good option if you don't want to camp out in the open. Camping is till a great option if you are up for it.

Hydrothermal system

The famous hydrothermal systems are caused by an underground volcano. The magma in the volcano releases an immense amount of heat and that is what makes the water on the surface over 400° F.

The hot water breaks down silica in the rocks which builds up in the geysers and help increase the ability to withstand pressure that a geyser needs to be produced. The silica is part of the reason the area surrounding the water looks so desolate.












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